Back posting again!! today's father's day! had a celebration at my grandparents' house! [full view of the cake] [top-view; real meat on ''durian''.] now, it's a better view from here. that the flesh is real. the spikes are made of cream. not hurtful at all as compared to the actual torns on the real durian. [top-view] [a very bright shot, taken with a flash] That's all i have today!! :))
everyone was there! even yuri! :) we had lots of fun there.
we played many card games together. We played a game of ''Cheat''.
it's a super fun game!! at the start of the game Eddie was still unsure of how to play.
then he blur blur put the wrong sets of cards. then so funny.
but he still managed to get it after telling him the instruction.
the whole game with Adeline, Benjamin, Eddie, Yuri, Natalie, my bro and myself
was extremely FUN!! haha. played a few rounds of titee too..
lost quite a number of rounds. remaining about 5-7 cards.
dinner was scumptous!! loas and loads of dishes!!
alot of new creation dish too. the whole table was full with yummy foods.
talking about cousins, all of us were still ok.
we had a little peace as Ryan was sleeping. he often make lots of noise.
then Nelly's still that cute. but she refuse to let Yuri and I to carry her. :(
everyime we want carry her, she somesort of cry. haha
the cake of the day!! super interesting! it's a cake of Rolex watch!!
ever see before? maybe have maybe not.. haha but i'll post some pics.
i'll show some pics on Mother's Day cake too!
a cake of Durian!! very interesting cake too!!
Here are some of the pics of Father's & Mother's DAy cake
Happy Father's Day..
Look how creative the cake is! it's from e-creative, that's the reason for being so creative!!
[the over view of the cake]
Can see that it's a Rolex watch? it's actually made made of sweet!! just by taking out the ''watch'' (sweet), it weigh a ton!! very heavy..
[zoom-up on the ''watch'']
Here are the picture of Mother's Day cake. also from e-creative.
look!! that's a giantic durian!! a giantic durian cake!! very realistic!! but it's a cake!! hmm.. but the flesh on top of the cak ain't fake. it real duriain flesh
[side view of the durian cake]
the whole durian cake is REALLY BIG!! weighing 3kg!
[top view of the durian cake; can you see the durian meat?]