Know Your Enemy - 21st Century Breakdown

You Can - David Archuleta


today wore P5 camp tee with anderson shorts to schol.
it's so weird. wearing pri sch shirt and sec sch shorts.
a mixture... haha celebration today was nice
the show put up in the hall was very nice.

let me start with the beginning of the day
assembled in parade ground.
flag-raising, then marching of the uni grps
collected IPP kit back to class
got ready for IPP and when it was
commence by Mrs Poh, the class was still noisy (normal)
the girls and some boys help in sealing the windows
with black thrash bag.
the rest of the boys did the improvised toliet
me and some of the girls cut the thrash bags..
good thing i didn't ''die'' of heat during IPP

next break time.. nothing much bout it.
PERFORMANCE time!! assembled at hall..
it was quite squeezy at first,
but was much better later.
the performance was cool~ nice~ interesting~
the male artist sang so nice!! omg!!
his's voice quite nice. haha
we got our very own Anderson NDP Quiz
got one of the perfromance, had ''terrorists''
very funny... :D
then Finale! Choir, Guides, Chinese, Malay and Indian Dance,
all MCs and teachers sang ''Shine For Singapore'' and ''Together''
everyone sang along.. high atmosphere! haha

after that met with Chen Ning..
had lunch, En Qi then walked around AMK hub.




5:52 PM